The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
There is one God, eternally existing in three Persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the creator of all things, visible and invisible, and has total sovereignty over all that He has made.
That God created man in His own image.
That the authentic kingdom of God is a portal of grace and power to restore humanity to God's original intent and design.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers and equips believers for service, with the accompanying supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit resident within every believer enables the producing of the fruit of the character of Christ.
Believers in Christ are required to absolutely separate themselves from wrong worldly values and principles; they are required to penetrate and prevail in the systems of the world in order to fulfill their God-given purpose and influence the world to adhere to the principles of the Kingdom of God.
God has ordained Apostles and Prophets whose principal task is to receive divine wisdom and revelation of Biblical truth, to proclaim it to the whole Church and build the Church in accordance with what has been revealed.
The Church is prophetically mandated in the Word of God to impact the nations of the earth with the rule and principles of the Kingdom of God.
We believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ but Christ will not return until the journey is completed, the Church made perfect and mature.
The Church is responsible for policing itself independent of the political state. Local Kingdom Communities are to be autonomous, self-governing and the primary source of life and fellowship for God’s people.
The Kingdom of God advances through a more and more complete proclamation of the revealed Word of God; the receiving of that Word in the hearts of men, and the activation of that Word into more effective accurate lifestyle and precise strategic purpose.
The end of the journey is the Church achieving perfection, being conformed to the character of Christ, the personal return of Christ and the attaining of immortality.
The Church is required to cooperate with God in the management and accomplishment of His purpose. This cooperation is not passive, but involves taking initiatives as God allows and directs in the progress of the Kingdom.